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Note that not all our vine stocks are committed to this online shop section. The prices shown online are an estimate only, based on vine vaterites grafted onto SO4 rootstock. When placing an order, we will let you know if there are any changes to the prices shown here before we send a quote. You are not committed to an order until you have accepted a quote and sent your deposit / payment, 30% to 50% deposits are taken to lock in your order.


For larger orders, bespoke rootstocks and tailored orders, we recommend you get in touch with us at


All our imported root stock and grafted plants are covered by The European Plant Passport scheme, a “phyto-sanitary certificate” that confirms plants are free from disease including xylella, trunk disease, fan leaf, leaf roll, and marble leaf disease.


Our vines are plant pass-ported and sourced from our trusted growers in Germany, Luxembourg and the major vineyard areas of France, especially Burgundy and Champagne.



£2.80 per vine for orders over 101

Colour: White


    Price Per Vine 


     Less than 25



     25 to 49



     50 to 100



     101 to 375




    For orders of over 375 vines or orders on bespoke rootstocks please contact us at

  •  These vines are shipped bare root without a pot by Royal Mail Tracked 48.

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